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"We are proud of you—we love you—you are our Heroes."

At AmericaWorking.Org and Keefer Productions, we want to thank the men and women of our Great Armed Forces for standing and defending our freedoms. The United States is blessed to have the greatest armed forces the world has ever seen. Our soldiers are the best fighting machines to ever walk on God’s green earth. We are proud of you—we love you—you are our Heroes. What this Country has is because of you, and you are in our thoughts and prayers each and every day. We live in the land of the free only because of the brave.

Our Heavenly Father, we pray that You will protect and guide our Military men and women in their battle against the evils of the world and bring them home safely. Father, we pray for their wounds to be healed, physically and emotionally and fill their hearts with the love of Jesus—that we as a nation would help them in their healing and provide them with the care they need upon returning home. Guide them in their future endeavors, Lord, and fill them with Your fullness. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

Burt Keefer